~by Ruth West
“You are the Hero of your own Journey”
Joseph Campbell summed up the ancient concept of the Hero’s Journey in his book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces.” We are each being called on to step forward, in very challenging times, to BE the Hero. The World needs heroes of all types. Your gifts will be found in own your personal Archetype.
This Pandemic we are experiencing, world-wide, is the crucial Ordeal that is the catalyst for our Call. It presents danger – but also the opportunity for redemption and great Planetary transformation. If we Refuse the call, disaster strikes! Once you accept (rather than resist) the test, you will enter the Unknown. Look around for your Mentors and Allies – they are everywhere, and they are searching for you. They will provide you with a Talisman to aid you – it could be a rainbow, or a day of sunshine, or a lovely rock you spotted in your back garden – something to give you hope and focus. Look for your “Ruby Slippers.”
You have the potential through Unification to help bring about a Resolution that will ultimately elevate our Planet. We really ARE all in this together. Through your choices, your sacrifices, your intentions, and the ways you respond to the Trial – you will influence the Outcome in very important ways. This can be as simple as washing your hands more frequently and thoroughly than you are used to, grocery shopping in a less convenient way, coming up with more creative ways to get toilet paper, calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time – just to check up on them, gracefully giving up going to the movies or your favorite hang-out and coming up with creative ways to pass the time as you shelter in place. But this is also about Contributing – making face masks for your nearest hospital, reading to kids on Facebook, sharing on-line resources with others through your social media, reaching out with positive messages and images to others (this is a time when depression can develop in us all), and any of a thousand other little ways to chip in, as we face our common enemy. Hundreds of ingenious suggestions are being offered – you can add yours. This is also a terrific – if enforced – time to slow down and really practice self- care. This is every bit as important as what you do for others – and makes a big difference in the out-come of this Pandemic. Don’t under-estimate this gift to the Road Back Home.
So, put on those Ruby Slippers and welcome to OZ!
To your Health –